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In an age where music is readily available and everyone is “plugged in” and listening to all sorts of genres everyday, why should we involve our children in music education? What are the benefits and is it value for money?

Music education is often seen as a luxury purchase but, do you know that it can have amazing benefits to your child’s education in general and their emotional and social wellbeing?

There have been numerous articles written regarding the benefits of music education for children and the flow on effects that it has to their performance in mainstream education. Here is a link to just one of those articles, there are many. http://www.nemc.com/resources/articles/how-music-makes-your-child-smarter_49

Music assists children to develop skills such as working in teams, communication, self-esteem, creative thinking, calmer attitudes, imagination, and discipline. In very young children, music education can assist in packing up routines, learning to share and waiting for their turn as well as promoting bonding with the parent and assisting in the development of settling techniques.

Young children are highly receptive to pitch and rhythm as this is one of the main ways a child learns its language. They are like little sponges at this age and really absorb everything around them. Immersion in a rich musical environment creates unique brain connections that are mostly influenced at this earliest stage in life. http://www.nemc.com/resources/articles/how-music-helps-with-learning_57

Music also has the ability to relax, calm and heal. Music helps promote more positivity. Students who learn and practice music, watch less TV and have a desire to develop individual abilities.

Studying music also assists with study skills, communication skills, and cognitive skills.  These all skills needed to help the students become more successful academics and benefit all elements of their education.



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