Frequently Asked Questions
Do we need an instrument at home?
For all keyboard courses you will need at least a 61note keyboard with full size keys, or a piano. These can be purchased cheaply in BigW or Target or a music supplier will have more up market models.
For all other instruments, the student must own an instrument that they need to bring to lessons each week and for practice purposes at home. The teacher will be able to advise on the correct size of instrument required for guitar and string students. All other instruments only come in one size so the child must be big enough, usually 8 years old, to be able to manage the instrument.
How much does my child need to practice?
It is important to understand that a parent or caregiver is involved in the practice. 4-7 year olds need lots of support and encouragement. Young children are not able to practice effectively on their own. Read more on our Blog 6 Ways to make Practice ‘Perfect’ not Painful
The first thing in the morning seems to be a good time for most but if another time works better, great. The important thing is to try to make it the same time each day, so that you can establish a routine. It is good to link a practice schedule in with homework. Make sure you mark down the practices for a reward from the teacher.
Younger children only require a small amount of time each day, usually 5 to 10 minutes. When students start practicing for AMEB exams it is important for the practice routine to be consistent and the amount of time needed will increase with the increase in the level of skill required. Consult your teacher for their advice on the amount of time needed for your child’s grade level.
How much are lessons?
The price of lessons depends on the appropriate course.
The following prices are for 2025.
Course/Class | Cost | Length | Resources |
Jigglemusic | $18.50 | 30 mins | $21.95 |
Kinderbeat | $24.20 | 45 mins | $40.00 |
Keyboard class | $30.00 | 45 mins | $42.00 |
Shared Private | $30.00 | 30 mins | |
Private (30) | $43.00 | 30 mins | |
Private (45) | $64.50 | 45 mins | |
Private (60) | $86.00 | 60 mins |
What are the payment terms?
Fees are payable on the 3rd week of every school term for the term upfront.
Fees are paid 2 weeks in advance into the following term to confirm enrolment ongoing.
At the beginning of the year, families can pay for the year upfront and receive a 10% discount.
If a term in advance is difficult, you can opt to pay for a month at a time on request via direct debit.
Cancellation of lessons must be made in writing 2 weeks in advance.
Do I just enrol for a term at a time?
All of our music courses cover at least 6 months, therefore enrolment is ongoing until you notify us in writing with 2 weeks notice.
Benefits of music lessons are more obvious over an extended period of time, especially for small children. Consistent practice and attendance at weekly lessons will produce the best results.
When are fees due?
Term fees are due on week 3 of the school term.
Monthly payments are due on the 1st day of the month.
How old must my child be to start music?
We begin teaching music to children as young as 12 months.
Our Jigglemusic classes are for children aged 12 months to 3 years. Kinderbeat classes are designed for preschoolers aged 3 to 5 years and our Keyboard classes are for school aged children aged 5 to 11 years.
Private lessons ideally begin at 8 years of age, but sometimes we teach younger children in a private lesson. This is especially for violin and other string instruments which can be sourced in instruments as small as 1/16th of a full size instrument.
Can we trial a class to see if we like it?
Jigglemusic, Kinderbeat and Keyboard class students are eligible for a Free trial lesson in a group setting.
If the student is beginning in a private lesson, the first lesson is only $20 as a half price trial lesson.
How many students are in a class?
Our Jigglemusic classes are capped at 8 students per class.
Kinderbeat and Keyboard classes are limited to 6 or 7 students in a class.
Shared private lessons are for 2 students and private lessons are a 1 on 1 lesson with the teacher.
Is the parent allowed in the class?
Parents are necessary as a learning partner in Jigglemusic, Kinderbeat and younger Junior keyboard classes. This parent presence not only assists the teacher but also provides the student with extra assistance and the parent with the knowledge of the skills that the child is supposed to be practicing later at home.
Jigglemusic and Kinderbeat classes require the parent to be very involved in the class as smaller children require alot of help and modelling examples.
Parents are allowed to sit in with students in private lessons but this isn’t necessary and sometimes is counterproductive depending on the parent /child relationship. All teachers have been certified by NSW Working with Children Check.
What happens if the child has younger siblings that must attend?
Younger siblings are welcome to attend our classes. In most cases they will be included in the fun in Jigglemusic if they are old enough to participate.
Kinderbeat and Keyboard classes require more concentration and structure so there are limited opportunities for younger siblings to join in and they must be restrained when skills are being learnt at the keyboards.
If younger siblings become disruptive and distracting, they should be removed from the room until control can be regained.
What happens if we miss a lesson?
If you need to miss a lesson due to illness or an important committment, at least 1 hours notice must be given.
If notice is given and there is another class at the same level on another day, a make up lesson can be arranged in that class.
In the case of private lessons, if notice is given, make up lessons usually can be organised at another time that the teacher is teaching, alternatively, make up lessons during the holidays may be possible. Keep in mind that most teachers only work on 1 or 2 afternoons a week.
There are no refunds given for missed lessons.
What happens when the teacher cancels?
If a teacher needs to cancel a lesson due to illness or a previous committment, firstly we try and find a replacement teacher for the lesson. If that is not possible, we can try and reschedule the lesson or we will give you a credit for the lesson off your fees.
Why do we use solfege when teaching young children?
Solfege is used world wide – it is a universal music language
Solfege are the notes that we sing, CDE are the notes that we play.
It is much easier to teach young children to sing the notes first as their reading skill is still developing and we find that the ability to read music develops in line with their ability to read words.
What are your Terms & Conditions?
Dynamic Rhythms Music Centre
IMPORTANT – Terms and Conditions
Mission: To provide high quality music education and to share our love of music and encourage the cultural growth of the Macarthur area
Congratulations on your decision to provide your child or yourself with the opportunity to be introduced to the amazing world of music.
Please read this document carefully and if you have any questions please discuss these with the Director.
Trial Lessons
- Class lessons – free to trial
- Private Lessons – ½ price trial lesson
- Enrolment, once confirmed by parent, is ongoing until such time that we are given 2 weeks notice (in writing or via email) of your intention to drop out.
- Fees must be paid in advance for the school term or monthly/weekly/fortnightly if prearranged with Administration.
- An Enrolment form must be returned for each student are available in your welcome pack.
- Lessons run for 41 weeks of the year following the NSW school terms. A school calendar showing exact dates is available from reception.
- Fees must be paid upfront for the term. This may be via EFTPOS, cash, cheque, or bank transfer.
- Fees will be payable for all lessons, INCLUDING missed lessons, until cancellation is received.
- A schedule of current fees is available on the website under FAQ’s.
- The Invoicing period is from Week 3 to Week 2 of the following term ( see calendar for clarification)
- Fees are due by week 3 of the school term.
- Families paying for 3 or more lessons per week, receive a 5% discount (this excludes books or miscellaneous items)
- A one-off $25 enrolment fee is charged per family for new enrolments. This is for continuous enrolment. If not continuous, this fee will be charged again on re-enrolment.
- Yearly and monthly payment options are also available. Details of these options are available from reception upon request.
- Dynamic Rhythms reserves the right to change its fee rate and any other term, noted in the school Newsletter on the website.
Creative Kids Vouchers
- We are a registered provider for the NSW Services Creative Kids Program.
- Apply for your Creative Kids Voucher from
- Email or print your voucher to redeem it for your lesson fees
- Your $100 voucher will be deducted for your fees when you pay your term fees in full or by monthly or yearly payment arrangements.
- All Dynamic Rhythms’ teachers have undergone the required “Working with Children” checks and maintain high standards in teaching and professionalism.
- Dynamic Rhythms will endeavour to keep teacher changes to a minimum, although teacher availability is out of our control.
- If a teacher is to leave, we will endeavour to transition their classes before their departure with the introduction of a new teacher.
IMPORTANT! Missed Lessons and Make Up Policy
- Notify us of your absence by phone, text or email.
- If you are late for a lesson or miss a lesson without notification, this lesson time is forfeited.
- When you enroll, you are paying for the teacher to be here at a certain time for your lesson every week. They are here even if you aren’t.
- Even if prior notice is given, make up lessons are NOT guaranteed and depend on the teachers availability.
- If you are absent from a class:
- we will offer you another class at a similar level, if such a class exists.
- a homework sheet will be sent to you via email.
- If you are absent from a private lesson:
- you may be able to organize a “make up lesson”, provided you contact Dynamic Rhythms at least 1 hour before the lesson time.
- Only two makeup lessons will be granted in a term.
No refund or credit for lessons missed for any reason.
Teacher Absences
- If the teacher is absent we will notify students as soon as possible.
- Dynamic Rhythms will, where possible, organise a replacement teacher.
- If we are unable to organise a replacement teacher you will receive a credit for the lesson.
Class Numbers
- A “Class Lesson” is tuition of 3 to 8 pupils by one teacher. Class Lessons are 45 minutes in duration. (40 mins for Jigglemusic)
- A “Private Lesson” is tuition of one pupil by one teacher. Private Lessons are 30 minutes in duration, or more as requested
- A “Shared Private Lesson” is tuition of two pupils by one teacher. Shared Private Lessons are 30 minutes in duration.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If a 45 min class drops in number to 2 students, it will become a 30 minute shared private lesson.
Parent/Guardian Attendance
- Parent attendance is welcomed at all times.
- Children up to the age of 6, MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian
- Children between the ages of 7 and 10 would benefit from a parent being present but it is not compulsory.
- If it is necessary to bring siblings into the class, they must be kept under control. The teacher reserves the right to ask the parent to remove an unruly from the classroom
Student Conduct
- Dynamic Rhythms expects to conduct themselves in a sensible manner with due regard for the teacher and other students.
- Teachers reserve the right to maintain order in the classroom.
- The parent shall be responsible for the welfare and conduct of the student throughout the course and whilst the student is on the premises
- Unacceptable behaviour towards students or staff will not be tolerated.
- Unacceptable behaviour will be investigated by the Dynamic Rhythms Manager and students and/or parents who are unable to rectify unacceptable behaviour will be excluded from lessons.
- The standard of behaviour which is to be regarded as unacceptable in lessons or on the premises shall be determined by Dynamic Rhythms.
Health and Safety
- Dynamic Rhythms will take all reasonable care to ensure pupils are safely supervised.
- Dynamic Rhythms cannot be held responsible for any incidents that may occur in the parent’s absence.
- Students and parents are MUST NOT consume food or drink whilst in the music studios, due to Health & Safety issues.
- It is the responsibility of Dynamic Rhythms to take all reasonable and practical steps to promote a safe and healthy environment for employees, and to ensure the health and safety of all who visit the premises.
- The School does not accept liability for the loss of any personal property on the School’s premises.
- Smoking is not permitted on School premises.
- Alcoholic drinks must not be consumed on School premises.
Equal Opportunities
- Dynamic Rhythms offers equal opportunities and equal treatment of employees and students regardless of their gender, colour, race or nationality.
Customer Feedback
- Dynamic Rhythms is very proud of the service provided, however, if you do have a concern about a student’s music education at Dynamic Rhythms please talk to your teacher in the first instance.
- If you are unable to resolve the problem with your teacher, please telephone Dynamic Rhythms and ask to speak to the Director
Acceptance of terms and conditions
- All agreements relating to the teaching of courses by Dynamic Rhythms are subject to these terms and conditions to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions.
- No variations or addition to the terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by Dynamic Rhythms and the parent.
- The terms shall be deemed to have been accepted and agreed to by you upon signing the enrolment form and payment of fees or upon attending a course